
Weather, end of March

We have had some days with very nice weather daytime so the snow is beginning to melt. The daycare children like to play in the water.

But we still have LOTS of snow!



We had a carnival in Okna:

The first spring day in the Czech Republic

The spring has already come to us. We have lots of sunny days, temperature around 10 degrees, snowdrops everywhere. And yet - last week the winter returned for one day and we could even make snowmen!

March in the Czech Republic

A beautiful spring has come even before the right date. We have very nice sunny days.


March in Spain

This is the view yesterday in the afternoon. More later was a storm.

Hello Spring

This is the view of tree´s shade. Wellcome spring!


Houses in the Czech Republic

The traditional houses in our region are made of wood, so called "roubenky":

In the middle of the 19th century it was prohibited to build of wood because of the fire. The houses were built of sandstone and bricks. In our region these houses are very big:

This a typical modern house:

Children made plans of their houses and flats:

Our Pets


Our pets

These are the most common pets for our children:

hamsters budgerigars

rabbits guinea pigs
and, of course, dogs and cats.

In September we organized a Day with animals and children could bring their pets with them to school:

And when the animals were at school we painted them: